In a terrifying episode, two young Army officers were assaulted, and one of their female friends was allegedly gang-raped by a group of six guys in the early hours of Wednesday near Jam Gate on the Mhow-Mandleshwar Road in Madhya Pradesh. The police have apprehended two of the six attackers, and the search for the remaining attackers is ongoing.
According to DIG Nimish Agrawal, the police officers from the Mhow cantonment were on a night out with two female friends when six men ambushed them. The thugs surrounded the vehicle and attacked the group. One officer and a woman were held prisoner, while the others were sent to bring a ten-lakh-rupee ransom.
The officer in charge of retrieving the money notified his superiors after discovering the mobile network service. By the time officials arrived, the assailants had left. The victims were eventually transported to Mhow Civil Hospital for medical examination.
Indore Rural SP Hitika Vasal verified that the attack happened at approximately 2:30 a.m. on an isolated stretch near an Army fire range. The accused reportedly used the secluded place to conduct the crime. A case has been filed under a variety of laws, including those relating to dacoity, rape, and the Arms Act.
One of the apprehended individuals had a criminal record for looting in 2016. Police seek to find the remaining attackers, and multiple Station House Officers have joined.
The tragedy sent shockwaves across the region, increasing concerns about safety in remote locations.